Why Buy From a
Honda Retailer

  • Built by Honda trained technicians and inspected before delivery
  • Experienced professionals to recommend the right Honda for your specific needs
  • One-on-one product operation and maintenance instructions at the time of pick-up
  • Service from trained Honda technicians that know your Honda product
  • Full selection of Genuine Honda Parts and Accessories
  • Swap the tedious big box shopping marathon for an inviting, personalized experience
  • Personal assistance with product warranty registration process
  • Fueled up and ready to work

The Premium Honda Experience

Employé de Honda aidant un client au comptoir de service

Product Specialists

Dedicated, helpful and knowledgeable power equipment specialists at your service

Vue du dessus d'une tondeuse Honda

Top Quality Support

Your Investment in premium Honda Product calls for premium support well after you make your purchase

Professional Advice

Experienced professional advise to match the right products for your needs

Technicien qualifié travaillant sur une tondeuse à gazon

Personal Service

Personal one-on-one product instruction with maintenance and preventative safety demonstration

Gamme de produits mécaniques Honda - Accessoires portatifs, motoculteurs, tondeuses, génératrices, pompes, accessoires portatif

Trusted Expertise

Authorized Honda Power Equipment retailers service the same Honda products they sell to the highest standards

Un technicien Honda souriant

Skilled Technicians

Included premium Honda product assembly and PDI (Pre-Delivery Inspection) by trained technicians

Personal Service and
Pre-Delivery Inspection

Freight and PDI (Pre-Delivery Inspection) are an integral part of your new Honda Power Equipment purchase. This process ensures a Honda technician professionally inspects and assembles your product to the highest standards, free of mechanical or cosmetic issues before delivery. We also include personal one-on-one Honda Power Equipment instruction on proper product use and review maintenance intervals, safety precautions and warranty information.

Fully Assembled

Professionally hand assembled by trained technicians

Quality Inspected

Thoroughly checked and tested by our Honda team

Ready to Work

Fueled and ready to work, including required fluids, oil, and lubricant.

Speak to your Dealer

Your local Honda Dealer is always ready to help.